mandag 9. mars 2015

Alpha Pop

Brewdog, Skottland. ABV: 4,6%

Kjøpt hos: Coop Mega Hønefoss.

"A hoppy rye ale loaded with an avalanche of citrus and resinous flavours. Alpha Pop is about to take control og your tastebuds and lead them on a new adventure. A barrage of aroma explodes from the glass. Columbus, our high-alpha friend, lends a huge pithy citrus blast, with Ahtanum providing a punchy tropical fruit back-up. Brewing with rye adds a spiciness to the speciality malt caramel backbone, giving warm ginger snap flavour, before slowly the hops, barley and rye combine and build to an orangey, biscuity, almost chocolately crescendo. Alpha pop is the alpha dog of rye pale ale; the leader of the pack, a firebrand for other bees to follow behind, in a full-on spicy hoppy assault on the senses."

Tross all denne kaukinga på flaska om hvor utrolig bra dette er, blir det ikke noe mer enn en standard velhumlet pale ale. Jeg synes Brewdog ofte slår litt vel hardt på stortromma og at ølet i mange tilfeller ikke lever opp til alt selvskrytet som har blitt utbasunert i forkant. 16.

UKE 11, 2015

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